Springtime styling, it’s New Balance 327 season

Springtime styling, it’s New Balance 327 season

We’ve met the New Balance 327 a number of times before. There was last season, the season before that and a few prior actually – but, just how are we rocking them on the run-up until summer? What are our New Balance springtime fits? We have good news, you’re in the right place to have those questions answered! 

The History of the New Balance 327

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s touch base with the history of our beloved 327, and everything designer Charlotte Lee considered before launching them into the world. 

Idea numero uno was born during 202’s lockdown, a period of time during which we were given a lot to think about. Instead of painting the shed or cracking into the boardgames, Lee opened a can of worms surrounding Boston’s NB archive room – tapping up the 355 and Supercomp for preliminary inspiration before chopping the numerical 410’s rubber outsole. 

With help from archival specialist, Samuel Pearce, Lee developed something truly special; a style that would elevate New Balance into an all-new realm. Following the silhouette’s Paris Fashion Week launch, NB took this pair from strength to strength – well, the oversized ‘N’ was pulled from Runners World Magazine’s number one choice back in ‘76. Mountains of heritage, squeezed into an amalgamation of suede and ballistic nylon. Boom. 

How to style the New Balance 327

Lee changed the way we perceive minimalist running silhouettes forever, but now it’s time for TOWER to get them on your feet in the only way we know how. Correctly! 




Crop the track jacket, throw on some loose-fitting cuffed pants and boom, we have a style icon. There’s nothing to it, the 327 couldn’t be more wearable – this is a tracksuit, tapered pant and shorts situation all day long, don’t listen to the sidelines. Work on colours, keep that space minimal for maximum effect. 

So, what’re you waiting for? Secure your pair both in-store and online today!