Laces and eyelets? Or none at all!
Alas, the age-old question. To lace-up, or not to lace-up! There are benefits to laces, for example more adaptable fit and closer heel-hug, but equally the sensation of slipping into a pair of leather lined, plush leather loafers is somewhat of a fairytale.
Slight heel or platform persuasion...
A slight heel can make or break any outfit, in fact it can bump up your reach a little bit too - there are perks! However, you can take your pick of two height-inducing styles; a slight heel at the rear, or a platform all the way from your toe to your heel. We'll let you decide on a winner, everything else is supplied.

Premium upper, no skimping!
Soft? Rigid? Whichever direction, we're here for quality. To the untrained eye all uppers may look the same, however this is far from the case - just let us do the talking.
A premium, soft upper will do nothing short of improve the longevity of your now favourite pair tenfold. Imagine pulling out that same shoe you wore in 2022 nearly four decades later. Pretty cool!

Panelling, only the best of course
Keeping it simple can sometimes be the best course of action, with a bright outfit comes a craving for simple directives and minimalistic wardrobes the more complex, over-lapped makeup. This isn't always the ideal formulae, but it's one that seems to work for us!